Men’s Shed
Men’s Shed
Members of the Men’s Shed, Belcoo
Men’s Shed
Belcoo Men’s Shed operates in the Lakeland Community Care Healthy Living Centre, 1 Lattone Road, Belcoo. The Belcoo Men’s Shed was set up in 2017 for like-minded group of men to run and maintain a men’s shed. The Belcoo Men’s Shed has a committee who give their time and skills which make the Men’s Shed a success. It is that very success that has seen the numbers increase over the years. The committee would be asked to serve for three years and are provided with the support and direction of the Project Development Officer employed by Lakeland Community Care HLC and given help with full training and induction.
Belcoo Men’s Shed is a community-based health promotion programme aimed at supporting the physical, mental and social wellbeing of men in the Belcoo and West Fermanagh Area. The building was funded with a Rural Development grant and Housing Executive grant.
Phase one (March 2017) of the Lakeland Community Care Healthy Living Centre has seen the provision of a recreation area for the men to meet and socialise, to play snooker, cards, read and paint the items which have been made in the work shop.
Phase 2 (April 2019) seen the additional new work shop fully equipped where the men can cut wood and make wood products. Belcoo Men’s Shed is a member of the Irish Men’s Shed Association (IMSA). The IMSA provides support, resources and information to shed members and volunteers.
Men’s Shed Belcoo Opening Hours:
Monday to Friday: 9.30am - 3pm
Wednesday: 9.30am – 12.30pm (members meet every Wednesday to work on projects at the Men’s Shed)
More Information:
Who can join the Men’s Shed?
The Shed is open to men aged over 50 and membership is FREE.
Why would I participate in the Men’s Shed?
· Gain, use and share practical skills and knowledge
· Improve health and wellbeing by keeping physically, mentally and socially active
· Meet new people
· Spend time with old friends and make new ones
· Try New things
· Enjoy the craic and have some fun
· If you would like to visit the Men’s Shed before you join to have a look around the premises and have a cup of tea and a chat with members and project staff please contact Francis at Lakeland Community Care on 02866386934 or email
How do I Join?
Registration is free. You can register by completing our membership form. New members will also be given an induction to the Shed including health and safety policy and procedures.
When is the Shed open?
Monday to Friday: 9.30am - 3pm
Wednesday: 9.30am – 12.30pm (induction of new and existing members)
How do I get there?
Belcoo Men’s Shed is located at Lakeland Community Cares Healthy Living Centre on 1 Lattoon Road, Belcoo.
Please contact the Project Development Officer at Lakeland Community Care on 028 6638 6934.