Lakeland Community Care have an extensive range of policies in place as part of our commitment to quality care. These are updated and reviewed on a regular basis.
Full list of policies and procedures are as follows:
Absence of manager
Access to records
Accidents-preventing ,reporting, recording and notification
Accounting and financial control arrangements
Alcohol in the day centre setting
Risk management
Assessment of risk in the day centre setting
Communication with carers and representatives
Continence promotion
Dealing with death and dying
Decontamination of reusable medical devices
Discharge arrangements for service users
Disposal of clinical waste
Equality diversity
Fire precautions
First aid
Gifts to staff and donations to the setting
Infection prevention and control
Inspection of the day care setting
Insurance arrangements
Introduction to the day care setting
Involvement of service users in the running of the day care setting
Laundry services
Listening and responding to service user’s views
Maintenances of equipment ,plant, premises and grounds
Maintenance of vehicles
Management of keys
Management of medicines , including administering or assisting with medication
Management of records
Managing aggression and challenging behaviours
Menu planning
Missing items
Missing service users
Moving and handling
Occupational health arrangements
Operational policy
Outings for service users
Personal lockers for service users
Promotion of service user’s health and well-being
Quality improvement
Record of all accounts relating to the day care setting
Recording and reporting care practices
Referral arrangements
Reporting adverse incidents
Responding to service user’s behaviours
Safeguarding vulnerable adults
Safe and healthy working practices
Safe handling of food
Safeguard and protecting service user’s money and valuables
Security of the day care setting
Service user’s health care arrangements
Service user’s involvement in activities and events
Service user agreement
Service user guide
Service users meetings and forms
Service users personal relationships
Staff clothing
Staff discipline
Staff grievance
Staff induction
Staff meeting
Staff records
Staff recruitment
Staff supervision
Staff training and developments
Staffing arrangements
Takeaway foods
Transport for service users, provision and use
Untoward incidents
Use of agency staff
Whistle blowing
Responding to service user behaviour, restraint and seclusion
Data protection
Activity planning and reviewing
On call
Mobile phone
Social Media Policy
Safeguarding child policy
Equal opportunities
Safe systems at work
Annual leave
Mental capacity policy
Financial rules
Anti bribery
Opt out
If you would like to request a copy of any of our policies, please contact Lakeland Community Care at mail@lakelandcare.org or call 028 6638 6934.