Upcoming events.

McGrath Sports & Remedial Massage Therapy Pilates Classes
New six week block of Beginner/Improver Pilates classes starting 3rd October in LCC, Belcoo, 7.30pm.
*...Sorry class is now full....*
Some of the benefits of Pilates:
• Improved general fitness.
• Improved flexibility and mobility of the spine.
• Increased muscle tone and flexibility.
• Improved balance & postural awareness.
• Increased stability of the shoulders and pelvis.
• Encourages effective and supportive core.
• Supplements training for athletes.
• Beneficial in preventing injury.
• Helps in physical rehabilitation.
• Improved balance and coordination, especially for the elderly.
• Safe & excellent type of exercise for ante & post-natal women.
• Reduces stress & tension & promotes a sense of well-being.
• Helps in conserving and improving bone density.
• Provides relief from aches and pains.
• Improve circulation & increase efficiency & function of lungs.
• Makes you look and feel better.

Armchair Exercises
ARMCHAIR EXERCISE CLASS (In Person Class only @ Belcoo Healthy Living Centre)
Kat Maguire from Fermanagh Omagh District Council will be hosting classes. Open to everyone of all fitness levels if you fancy getting involved.
Starting Tuesday 13th of September
Belcoo Healthy Living Centre.
Full details in the #ad
Contact Frances today for more information on 028 6638 6934 Option 1

Darkness into Light 2021
Staff at LCC braved the harsh weather conditions @4am on Saturday morning to complete the Darkness into Light sunrise trek.
A worthy cause in assisting those with Mental Health issues & we hope to aid our local communities in the near future to tackle this problem.
Darkness Into Light 2021, proudly supported by Electric Ireland, took place at sunrise on the morning of 8th May.
This year, LCC staff donned their yellow t-shirts and took part in the event at Topped Mountain. The team shared a lovely experience which saw them trek from the dark murky sky to the bright lights shining over the Fermanagh backdrop.
The funds raised through signing up to the cause will be distributed to Pieta House which assists those in most need of mental health services in Ireland.
We hope to make this an annual event for LCC Staff and we welcome our carers to get involved in DIL2022.

LCC Stepathlon Challenge
Lakeland Community Care Ltd is a local charity based in Fermanagh Omagh district council area and provide domiciliary care, day care and healthy living initiatives in our communities.
We are undertaking a Stepathlon challenge during the month of March to raise funds to provide the isolated elderly with additional resources to assist with the isolation that has resulted due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Our Fermanagh and Omagh offices will face off against each other to rack up the largest step count!
We will keep you posted on a weekly basis during the challenge on how both teams are getting on :)
PLEASE DONATE NOW via the following options:
*Facebook Donate button
*GoFundMe page - https://gofund.me/406ee7be
*Paypal - paypal.me/lakelandcare
*Cash - post or drop donations to Belcoo Healthy Living, 1 Lattone Road, Belcoo, BT93 5AQ (Fermanagh office) OR 4L Gortrush Industrial Estate, Omagh, BT78 5EJ (Omagh office).
Funds raised will benefit elderly across the Fermanagh and Omagh areas and will be used towards providing nutritious meals, health and well being packs, local shop vouchers and community transport to live well in the comfort of their own homes and within their local communities.
This financial support will help deliver a programme of mental health initiatives to ensure the elderly in our local communities are catered for and enabling them to gain access to local facilities.
LCC would be delighted with any support/donations that will allow us to deliver these much needed services in our local communities and build upon our ethos of "Caring for our Communities".

Armchair Exercises
Anyone looking to get involved in an "Armchair Exercise Class"....all from the comfort of your own home!
Facilitated by the excellent Jackie Fermanagh Fitness
Details below
Meeting ID: 927 1649 0598
Password: 641081
Friday Fun Club - Crafts
It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.